Dr. Jarvis' Unpublished Notebook
-147 hand written pages of advice to correspondents-
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Hydrion Short Range PH Paper 
 I115A Hydrion Short Range PH Paper ( Nitrazine Paper ) - used in urinalysis for determining PH( acid/base ) in the 4.5 to 7.5 range. 5 yard roll in dispenser with chart. 1 roll goes a long way as only a 1/4" piece is needed per test.
Price includes shipping.

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New Ipswich NH 03071
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 Dr. D.C. Jarvis

" I believe the doctor of the future will be a teacher as well as a physician.
His real job will be to teach people how to be healthy." Dr. D.C. Jarvis

Some Thoughts On The Usefulness Potassium and Urinalysis

The benefits of potassium includes its ability to aid in the hydration of cells rather than dehydration, which occurs with so called disease or illness. Health is demonstrated with hydration; illness with dehydration. Bacteria and virus actions on the body create dehydration. Apple Cider Vinegar has the benefit of potassium + the antispetic actions afforded by its acid state or nature. In order to preserve and create reserves of health for ourselves we must keep ourselves well hydrated with the proper kinds of fluids and nutrients. Apple cider vinegar,cranberry juice, grape juice (as examples) fulfills those requirements.

The equilibrium, the biologic eqilibrium of the body, may be observed through the urine. A persistent more alkaline (cold) reading will indicate the body is potentially moving towards illness if observed as a constant metabolic state (the alkaline readings). By making oneself aware of the nature of the alkaline tide in the body and considering this when taking food one will be able to make the neccessary choices required to assist the body in its return to the more neutral, slightly acid (hot,warm)) state. These changes in the metabolic urine may be observed with Hydrion (Nitrazine) short range ph paper. With this tool one takes the internal feelings one has about one's health and bodily conditon and developes an external picture or profile through observing the reaction of the paper. Generally one will feel the heaviness of a more alkaline condition of the body and more lightness with the slightly acid state. In the slightly acid state there is less neuralgic, arthritic, peptic and other types of random fleeting pain and discomfort. Generally, one just feels better. Germs and viruses will not survive this slightly acid state. If there is no illness there is no dehydration. All is well and as it should be. All things are fine.


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 Dr. D.C. Jarvis

" I believe the doctor of the future will be a teacher as well as a physician.
His real job will be to teach people how to be healthy." Dr. D.C. Jarvis