Family photo 1984
Left to right: Lobsang,Ben,Isabelle,Alice,Jeff, Wangyal, Dr.Dhonden,Eliot

Dr. Dhonden and Jeff, June 2009

The Household Physician

Medicine Buddha holding myrobalan

Aroma Therapeutic Tibetan Herbal Incense

"Tibetan incense, medicinal powder, and Tibetan 'precious pills' are in
great demand here," said one police officer who asked not to be named.
"People believe that it can prevent the virus. And SARS hasn't spread to Tibet."
Radio Free Asia-May 7, 2003

Tibetan Precious Pills and Herbal Formulations 

Handbook of Traditional Tibetan Drugs: Their Nomenclature,Composition, Use and Dosage

Dr. Yeshe Dhonden
Sleep and the Inner Landscape,
An Interview about
Dreams and Tibetan Medicine with
the Tibetan Physician, Dr. Yeshe Dhonden

An Interview with Eliot Tokar regarding his studies with Dr. Trogawa, Dr. Dhonden and others (pdf)

Transformation and Balance:
The Principles of Tibetan Medicine in the Context of American Healthcare, Eliot Tokar (pdf)

The State of Affairs in Natural Medicine, Podcast with Eliot Tokar

Preservation and Progress: Using Tibetan Medicine as a Model
to Define a Progressive Role for Traditional Asian Medicine in Modern Healthcare Eliot Tokar (pdf)

Nyen Diseases in Tibetan Medicine, Dr. Trogawa
Cause of Diabetes According to the Tibetan Medical Sources, Dr. Trogawa
Causes of Mental Disorders According to the Tibetan Medical Tradition, Dr. Trogawa

Tibetan Refugee Health Care Project

Four Crows and the Moon

Tibet Stamps, 1912 Sheets
Tibet Stamps, 1912 Sheets
1912 Tibet Stamp Sheet Originals
From Which Our Reprints Have Been Made



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